How I got started with backend development

By Ram Ghale on Fri Mar 01 2024

My journey into backend development began with a simple curiosity: “How does the internet actually work?” This question led me down a fascinating path of discovery, challenges, and ultimately, a rewarding career. Here’s how it all unfolded.

The Spark of Curiosity

It all started when I was tinkering with a simple website I had built. I could create beautiful layouts and interactive elements, but I wanted to do more. I wanted to store user data, create dynamic content, and build more complex applications. That’s when I realized I needed to dive into backend development.

First Steps: Learning a Backend Language

I decided to start with Python because of its readability and versatility. I spent weeks going through online tutorials, building small scripts, and gradually understanding the basics of server-side programming.

Key learning points:

Diving into Frameworks

Once I had a grasp of Python, I explored web frameworks. Django caught my attention with its “batteries included” philosophy. Learning Django opened up a whole new world:

The Database Dilemma

Realizing the importance of data in backend development, I took a detour to learn about databases. I started with SQLite for small projects and then moved on to PostgreSQL for more robust applications. This phase taught me:

API Development: Connecting Frontend and Backend

As I progressed, I learned about RESTful APIs. This was a game-changer, allowing me to create backends that could communicate seamlessly with various frontends. I learned about:

Deployment and DevOps: Bringing It All Together

The final piece of the puzzle was learning how to deploy my applications. This introduced me to:

Continuous Learning and Community Engagement

Throughout this journey, I realized the importance of staying updated and connected with the developer community. I started attending local meetups, contributing to open-source projects, and reading tech blogs regularly.


Looking back, my journey into backend development has been challenging but incredibly rewarding. It’s opened up countless opportunities and allowed me to build applications I once thought were beyond my reach.

To those starting out: embrace the challenges, stay curious, and remember that every expert was once a beginner. Happy coding!

Built by Bishal at Skillaroo,
Source code on Github